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Ports, Fairways and Marine Disposal Sites

Our surveying services for waterway construction include studies on sediment quantity, thickness and quality, as well as pre- and post-disposal surveys.

We also carry out wave height and current measurements and modelling for harbours, maritime security and fairway design projects.

Depth surveys up to 200 metres could be carried out with our own boats. Soundings can be carried out in water depths of less than 0.5 metres. Our equipment includes high-resolution low-frequency sonars, side-scan sonars and a variety of multibeam and single beam equipment.

For disposal site investigations, background measurements include measurements of current velocities and directions, sediment and benthic sampling, and measurements of solids transport. Pre-disposal site surveys can often speed up the permitting of projects when suitable sites for dredged material are available in the vicinity of the project areas. Typically, disposal site suitability studies are also accompanied by water quality and current simulations using 3D modelling software.

Current measurements are mainly used for the permitting of hydro-construction projects, suitability studies of disposal sites and various measurements of shipping conditions in locations where current velocities or directions change rapidly.

See also our modelling services.